
Philippe Johnson


Philippe Johnson

About Me

Philippe is an Articling Student at TLE Law. His interests are primarily in the areas of Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Civil Litigation, Employment/Labour Law, Indigenous Law, and Environmental Law.

Before attending law school, Philippe had a rewarding career working in Alberta government and politics. This experience encouraged him to enter the legal profession.

As Chief of Staff to Alberta’s Minister of Indigenous Relations, Philippe worked closely with leadership from many Indigenous communities, working as an advocate for their issues within the Alberta government. In this role, he had the privilege of traveling with the Minister of Indigenous Relations to nearly every First Nation and Metis community in the province.

As Chief of Staff, Philippe advised the Premier and other ministers on engaging with Indigenous communities and the successful implementation of billions of dollars worth of new initiatives aimed at implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. These initiatives included Alberta’s Sixties-Scoop Apology, the signing of Protocol Agreements with Treaty organizations, the creation of the Water-to-Reserve Program, the Indigenous Renewable Energy Program, the Indigenous Climate Leadership Program, and the Indigenous Housing Capital Program. Philippe also advised on the implementation of cooperative management protocols with Indigenous communities concerning new provincial parks, Alberta’s interpretation of Treaty rights, renewal of Alberta’s Métis Harvesting Policy, implementation of the Métis Settlements and First Nations Consultation Policies, and more.

Philippe assisted with the successful negotiation of several land-based agreements between Alberta, Canada (where applicable), and Indigenous communities. This includes the Lubicon Land Claim, Highway 1A Agreement, and other agreements aimed at the protection of culture, economic development, and fulfillment of Treaty rights.

Philippe also learned a great deal from assisting the Minister of Indigenous Relations in his review of Alberta’s First Nations Consultation Policy and negotiations towards the creation of a province-wide Métis consultation policy.

As Ministerial Assistant to Alberta’s Minister of Energy, Philippe worked with energy-related agencies, boards, and commissions to appoint more Indigenous people to board and hearing commissioner positions. Philippe advised the Minister of Energy during the creation of many successful programs, such as Alberta’s ongoing Petrochemical Diversification Program. Philippe also worked with the Alberta Energy Regulator to improve how it collaborates with Indigenous communities when dealing with major incidents such as large oil spills.

Philippe completed his Juris Doctor degree (with distinction) at the University of Alberta. He also holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Development Studies (with high distinction) from the University of Toronto, where he researched the impact of microfinance while living in Sri Lanka during his cooperative placement year.

While in law school, Philippe worked as a consultant lobbyist, lobbying the Alberta and British Columbia governments on behalf of several Indigenous governments, municipalities, and non-profit associations.

Raised in Lac La Biche, Alberta, Philippe enjoys spending time with his family, volunteering, camping, fishing, snowboarding, and cycling. He also enjoys traveling, having spent considerable time volunteering, and studying in the Middle East, East Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America.


University of Alberta
Juris Doctor (with distinction)

University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science (with Honours)

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